
Positive metamorphoses of the Liège metropolis

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Réouverture d’une piste d’éducation routière

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Levita enchante le World of Mind

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Un bar à matcha liégeois

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What is LiègeTogether ?

LiègeTogether is a collection of actions with one objective: to improve the perception of the city of Liège. We want more inhabitants, more students, more investors and more visitors. And for us to be viewed differently, as we are.

As part of a comprehensive regional marketing approach, LiègeTogether’s objective is two-pronged: to bring together all stakeholders in the city of Liège, and to promote the latter throughout Belgium and abroad through a shared identity.

LiègeTogether is the mark of our city in actions, which gathers and brings together.

LiègeTogether also comprises international events in the city of Liège, which are used to promote the city.

Find out more

The Liège metropolis is

  • 24 municipalities
  • 797 km2
  • 625 000 inhabitants
  • 19% of the Walloon GDP
  • The first commercial hub in Wallonia
  • 19% of the employment in Wallonia

A metropolis of 24 municipalities

The territory covered by the Liège metropolis is that of the Arrondissement of Liège, consisting of 24 towns and municipalities: Ans, Awans, Aywaille, Bassenge, Beyne-Heusay, Blegny, Chaudfontaine, Comblain-au-Pont, Dalhem, Esneux, Flémalle, Fléron, Grâce-Hollogne, Herstal, Juprelle, Liège, Neupré, Oupeye, Saint-Nicolas, Seraing, Soumagne, Sprimont, Trooz, Visé.

It is a metropolitan area that can be described as urban, suburban, and rural at its extremes, with diverse landscapes (High Meuse, Low Meuse, Ourthe Valley, Vesdre Valley, and Amblève Valley), appreciated for its quality of life.

The LiègeTogether videos

See all the videos

Introduction to the Liège metropolis

The giant letters

Metamorphoses 2018: the aftermovie

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